Ch. Hurrikan Funny Girl of Wild Roses at Dumiland (Inka), date of birth 06 june1997.
Pictures taked at CACIB show on Cluj Napoca when she won another CACIB and BOB title. She is the doughter of Ch. Quest Orca Sea Deamon (Ch. Turkshead Duncan of Widgery x Ch. Quest Grazze Georgette sister with Ch. Quest Giancana). Mother is Ch. Wild Roses Eraser in the Sunshine (Ch. Quest Hellrasier x Ch. Wild Roses Crazy Chilli Cookie doughter of Ch. Quatermain v.d. Alten Veste) In showring Inka was a real showdog, she loved to attract the eyes of people arround. Her show results: Romanian Junior Champion Romanian Champion Junior Terrier Club Winner Terrier Club winner Derby winner 1999 7xRomanian Prim Junior Bulgarian Prim Junior 5xCAC, 2xCACIB,8xBOB,2xBOG R.CACIB-Belgrade
Inka did a very good impression and she won Romanian Junior Title (RPJ) at hers first show.
Inka in one of her best glance
She is a very powerfull bitch with a lot of substance, very good bones, a very nice head and a real lady!!
Photo taken at 3 months.
Dirty Dancing von Bercek at Dumiland.
Dirty Dancing von Bercek at Dumiland (Shiba), date of birth 16 march 2000.
This photo was made when she was 3 months old. Her father is Ch. Alba-Bull Prevailing Wind (Ch. Kearby's Jonah x Ch. Alba-Bull Empress) Her mother is Ch. Zaza-Noon Alet doughter of Ch. Batista Orsino von Lupolis.
Shiba when she was 11 months old
She has a very good head. She is also a very active female and an obediant dog.
A real "middle-of-the-road" type: Dirty Dancing v. Bercek at Dumiland. Her show results: 3XCAC, 2xCACIB, 1xR.CACIB, 2xBOB
She is a very good female with a lot of substance and long legs, a tall female with a very good head and bones structure.